Education Conferences (Agriculture, Space, STEM, etc.)

For the last several years, MARSfarm has attended the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, ID. It’s been a wonderful chance to meet with teachers in person and also to see the other types of products and curriculum being offered for school-based agricultural education. That being said, with over 50,000 attendees of which most are students, it can be a bit of a Zoo.

This year for the 2022 Convention, I was extremely proud to meet up with Regina Smart, who had two students from her Westlake FFA club there to present their Agriscience Fair project.

To learn more about their project and see photos, check out the Westlake FFA Facebook post we just reshared on Facebook.

If you plan to (or would like to) go to the FFA National Convention, let us know - we’d love to meet up! You can learn more about what all is available through the FFA National Website.

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