What does a MARSfarm recipe do? What is JSON? (ChatGPT-4 Response)

I’ve added over a dozen new recipes for MV1 users to use! They range across five categories, each of which I’ve created three recipes for. For example, within the Light Spectrum category I created “Red”, “Blue” and “White” recipes - each of which provides exactly 150 umol of light for 24 hours consistently. Those three recipes also provide the same amount of water, temperature, control, etc. - so that the outcome is actually attributable to the variable the student chose.

@cregini @speck_c @NateReyes @DrDonnaJ @Surendra @hmw @jeremy.hall @jodlowskik

  1. Light Spectrum :rainbow:
  2. Light - Photoperiod :sun_with_face: :crescent_moon:
  3. Light Intensity :bulb:
  4. Temperature :thermometer:
  5. Irrigation💧

Default Recipes - Comparison Table

Recipe Name Circulation Fan :wind_face: Temperature :thermometer: Pump Amount :droplet: Light Intensity :bulb:
MV1_One_Phase_Bok_Choy_Spring_2023 ON at 00:01 80°F at 09:05 80ml x 4 starting at 09:01 [0, 207, 150, 209] PWM at 09:05
Spectrum: Blue (240ML) ON at 00:01 60°F at 00:01 80ml x 4 starting at 09:01 [0, 0, 150, 107] PWM at 00:01
Spectrum: Red (240ML) ON at 00:01 60°F at 00:01 80ml x 4 starting at 09:01 [0, 105, 0, 107] PWM at 00:01
Spectrum: All (240ML) ON at 00:01 60°F at 00:01 80ml x 4 starting at 09:01 [0, 105, 150, 56] PWM at 00:01
DLI: 30 (2400ML, hydro) ON at 00:01 60°F at 00:01 80ml x 24 starting at 00:01 [0, 207, 150, 209] PWM at 00:01
DLI: 30 (240ML) ON at 00:01 60°F at 00:01 80ml x 4 starting at 09:01 [0, 207, 150, 209] PWM at 00:01
DLI: 21 (240ML) ON at 00:01 60°F at 00:01 80ml x 4 starting at 09:01 [0, 207, 150, 107] PWM at 00:01
DLI: 17 (240ML) ON at 00:01 60°F at 00:01 80ml x 4 starting at 09:01 [0, 105, 0, 107] PWM at 00:01
Photoperiod: 18 (240ML) ON at 00:01 60°F at 00:01 80ml x 4 starting at 09:01 [0, 207, 150, 56] PWM at 00:01 and off at 18:01
Photoperiod: 14 (240ML) ON at 00:01 60°F at 00:01 80ml x 4 starting at 09:01 [0, 207, 150, 107] PWM at 00:01 and OFF at 14:01
Photoperiod: 10 (240ML) ON at 00:01 60°F at 00:01 80ml x 4 starting at 09:01 [0, 207, 150, 209] PWM at 00:01 and off at 10:01
Temp: Max (2400ML, hydro) ON at 00:01 90°F at 00:01 80ml x 24 starting at 00:01 [0, 207, 150, 56] PWM at 00:01 and off at 18:01
Temp: Max (240ML) ON at 00:01 90°F at 00:01 80ml x 4 starting at 09:01 [0, 207, 150, 56] PWM at 00:01 and off at 18:01
Irrigation: 250ML ON at 00:01 60F at 00:01 80ml x 3 starting at 00:01 [0, 207, 150, 56] PWM and off at 18:01
Temp: Controlled (240ML) ON at 00:01 82°F at 00:01 80ml x 4 starting at 09:01 [0, 207, 150, 56] PWM at 00:01 and off at 18:01

This is a list of the default template recipes created in Fall of 2023 for use by MV1 users (at the initial suggestion of Chris Regini) these are all accessible for use by any MV1 users when creating a new trial through the MARSfarm web application.

*initially created at the request of at the request of @regini

Custom Recipes - Comparison Table*

Recipe Name Circulation Fan :wind_face: Temperature :thermometer: Pump Amount :droplet: Light Intensity :bulb:
Irrigation: 250ML ON at 00:01 60F at 00:01 80ml x 3 starting at 00:01 [0, 207, 150, 56] PWM and off at 18:01
Temp: Controlled (240ML) ON at 00:01 82°F at 00:01 80ml x 4 starting at 09:01 [0, 207, 150, 56] PWM at 00:01 and off at 18:01
MV1_Fast_Plants ON at 00:01 78°F at 00:01 80ml x 4 starting at 09:01 [0, 207, 150, 209] PWM at 00:01
MV1_Tomatosphere ON at 00:01 75°F at 06:05 80ml x 4 starting at 09:01 [0, 207, 150, 209] PWM at 09:01
Max_Light_16hr_No_Water_90F ON at 00:01 90°F at 07:01 0ml x 1 starting at 09:01 [0, 207, 150, 209] PWM at 07:00
Max_Light_18hr_No_Water_70F ON at 00:01 70°F at 00:01 0ml x 1 starting at 09:01 [0, 207, 150, 209] PWM at 07:00
Max_Light_16hr_No_Water_60F ON at 00:01 60°F at 00:01 0ml x 1 starting at 09:01 [0, 207, 150, 209] PWM at 07:00

This is a list of the custom recipes created in Fall of 2023 for use by MV1 users (at the request of @regini @cspeck, @nate, and @jeremy) these are all accessible for use by any MV1 users when creating a new trial through the MARSfarm web application.

Recipes Avaiable by Request*

Recipe Name Circulation Fan :wind_face: Temperature :thermometer: Pump Amount :droplet: Light Intensity :bulb:
Temp: Thermoperiod ON at 00:01 90°F at 00:01 and 60F at 18:01 80ml x 4 starting at 09:01 [0, 207, 150, 56] PWM and off at 18:01
Irrigation: 1L ON at 00:01 60F at 00:01 80ml x 12 starting at 00:01 [0, 207, 150, 56] PWM and off at 18:01
Irrigation: 500ML ON at 00:01 60F at 00:01 80ml x 6 starting at 00:01 [0, 207, 150, 56] PWM and off at 18:01
Irrigation: 250ML ON at 00:01 60F at 00:01 80ml x 3 starting at 00:01 [0, 207, 150, 56] PWM and off at 18:01

*these are currently disabled, but can be added back to your recipe list upon request


Variable Spectrum: Red Spectrum: Blue Spectrum: All
Light (mol/hr) Intensity: Combined 0.54 0.54 0.54
Light (mol/hr) Spectrum: Red 0.18 0.00 0.18
Light (mol/hr) Spectrum: Blue 0.00 0.18 0.18
Light (mol/hr) Spectrum: White 0.36 0.36 0.18
Light (actual umol/sec) Intensity: Combined 150.00 150.00 150.00
Light (actual umol/sec) Spectrum: Red 50 0 50
Light (actual umol/sec) Spectrum: Blue 0 50 50
Light (actual umol/sec) Spectrum: White 100 100 50
Light (actual PWM) Spectrum: Far-red 0 0 0
Light (actual PWM) Spectrum: Red 105 0 105
Light (actual PWM) Spectrum: Blue 0 150 150
Light (actual PWM) Spectrum: White 107 107 56
Light (hours) Duration 24 24 24
Light (HH:MM) Day Start Time [0,1] [0,1] [0,1]
Light (HH:MM) Night Start Time [0,1] [0,1] [0,1]
Light (mol per day) Day Light Integral 12.96 12.96 12.96